2021: Blogging A-Z Challenge: Covid Craziness: S


Pic Credit: Indian Express

Share my screen?”

I freeze. How do I do that? Math, not computers, is my forte. I could describe logic and solve problems in my sleep. Damn. I should have let Alex teach me the workings of these conferencing tools. My heart pounds faster.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch my 8-year-old slide towards my desk. I try to wave her away. Persistent, she skillfully locates and clicks the Share Screen button, rolls her eyes, and slithers off soundlessly. I pray that the interviewer did not catch that. On screen, I watch him break into a smile.

Note: When the pandemic struck, teachers all over had to make huge shifts to their ways of working – both physical and psychological. Not only did they have to learn a whole new world of remote teaching methods, they also had to find innovative ways to keep children involved over a screen. And that meant longer hours before and after the actual classes. This post is dedicated to the teaching fraternity – the ones that shape the world – and extended to their families for their support. This 100-word micro-fiction is written for the Covid Crazies 2021 Edition of the Blogging from A-Z Challenge. The entire list of 2021 posts can be accessed here.