B: For the Love of Books

“No. 16 rejected. Next?” I ask as Mom scrolls through profiles on the matrimonial site.
“I love the books so I take bookie job,” Mom reads out loud.
“What!!!! Reject!!!” Dad and I both yell out from opposite ends of the room.
Nia rolls her eyes. Minutes pass by. Mom passes the laptop to me. I start scrolling.

“Him. Him, you’ll definitely be OK to meet.” I say with a confident swagger.
Mom and Dad exchange glances. Nia takes one look at the profile and smiles at me.
The cover photo is a huge bookshelf. “Bibliophile”, it reads under Hobbies.

Dictionary.com defines a Bibliophile as ‘a person who loves or collects books, especially as examples of fine or unusual printing, binding, or the like.’. The above tale is only a light-hearted rendition of one’s love for books.

This post is written as part of a 100 word microfiction series for the A2Z Blogging Challenge.

Read other posts in the A2Z 2018 Blogging Challenge here.
For the complete works of A2Z 2016 Blogging Challenge, click here